Living Theology 2025

Thursday 10th – Sunday 13th July
What is Living Theology?
The Living Theology Summer School has been organised by Jesuits and their associates in venues across the country for over 50 years. The courses continue to provide opportunities for Christians of all denominations to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith and develop their personal reflection on Christian living and belief. No prior theological knowledge is required, just an open mind and willingness to engage.
Thursday Evening
How Jesus used the Jewish Scriptures to reveal an Image of God that is always loving and affirming.
Lecturer: Chris Thomas

Chris is a priest of the Liverpool Archdiocese. He has been a full-time youth chaplain, a University chaplain, a Parish Priest and is now the Director of the Irenaeus Project. The Project is an attempt to highlight the whole area of spirituality for everyone. More than anything else, Chris loves working with the scriptures and encouraging people to see them in a different way.
Participants then choose three other courses, one per day. Each course consists of three presentations throughout the day. Each lecture is repeated on another day.
COURSE A Scenes from the Gospel of John
Lecturer: Josette Zammit-Mangion IBVM
Offered on Friday and Saturday
The Gospel of John presents us with a number of much-loved scenes which do not appear in the Synoptic Gospels, such as the wedding at Cana, the Samaritan Woman, the raising of Lazarus and the appearance of the risen Jesus to the disciples near the sea at Tiberias. We will study the texts in some detail in order to gain a deeper understanding of these narratives, focusing particularly on the character of Jesus and his relationship with those he encounters.
Josette is a member of the team at Loreto Spirituality Centre.
Lecturer: Michael Barnes SJ
Offered on Friday and Sunday
Grace is a divine gift, that is mysteriously given when we abide in Christ. More profoundly, however, grace is not a ‘thing’ or object; it is what God does in transforming human life. This course will look at examples of God’s gracious work as revealed in art and literature.
Michael teaches theology and inter-religious relations at the University of Roehampton and the Margaret Beaufort Institute in the Cambridge Theological Federation.
COURSE C Heaven and Earth in the Psalms
Lecturer: Karen Eliasen
Offered on Friday and Saturday
We will be looking at that most familiar yet also most mysterious dyad appearing regularly in the Psalms: ‘heaven and earth’. How do they interact with each other – as complements or as opposites or as something in between? In engaging with the psalmists’ use of ‘heaven and earth’, we can begin to consider this question for ourselves, for our times. We too have a God to whom both ‘heaven and earth’ belong.
Karen was born in London to Danish parents who later emigrated to Canada. After finishing Biblical studies in Canada, she taught English in Arctic Greenland for several years. She has been on the Team at St Beuno’s Jesuit Spirituality Centre since 2013.
COURSE D Prophets for our Day too
Lecturer: Chris Thomas
Offered on Saturday and Sunday
This module will be a chance to look at some of the Old Testament prophets and see the relevance of their message for us today.
Chris is a priest of the Liverpool Archdiocese. He has been a full-time youth chaplain, a University chaplain, a Parish Priest and is now the Director of the Irenaeus Project. The Project is an attempt to highlight the whole area of spirituality for everyone. More than anything else, Chris loves working with the scriptures and encouraging people to see them in a different way.
Thursday 10th July
(6 pm Supper for resident participants)
7 pm Registration for non-residential participants
7.15 pm Introduction to the Weekend
7.30 pm Key Note Lecture for all participants
8.45 pm Tea/coffee
Friday 11th – Saturday 12th July
(8 am Breakfast for resident participants)
9 am Registration for new participants
9.30 am Morning Prayer
10.00 am Lecture 1
11.00 am Tea/coffee
11.30 am Lecture 2
12.30 pm Lunch
2.00 pm Lecture 3
3.00 pm Tea/coffee
5 pm Mass (6 pm Supper for resident participants)
7 pm Optional film or workshop
Sunday 13th July
As Friday and Saturday until 3 pm
3.10 pm Closing Prayer (Chapel)
Tea and departures

Suggested Donation: £105 for the three days. £36 per day if coming for one or two days only. This includes a light lunch. A non-refundable deposit of £20 is asked for when booking.
Residential Places: Please enquire about the availability of residential places if required. Suggested donation: £262.50 (this includes full board and course fee). Please make it clear on your booking form if you require accommodation and include a £50 non-refundable deposit to secure your room. All accommodation is en-suite.
Priority for accommodation will be offered to those attending the whole programme or at least two nights.
Please Note: It is important to us that nobody is excluded from our programmed events for financial reasons. Please speak to us if you would find difficulty in meeting the suggested offering. If on the other hand, you feel able to make an extra contribution towards a bursary fund, this would enable others to participate in our programme.
Parking: A car park is available at the Centre.
Bookings: Please fill in the booking form at the back of this leaflet, and return to Ewa Bem at Loreto Centre with your deposit.
For further information: Please phone us on 01492 878031 or message us via our Contact Us page.