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‘Life to the Full’: Praying with the Gospel of John

    A silent retreat drawing on John’s Gospel to reflect on our life with God who so loved the world. The days will include Gospel reflections, Eucharist, and time for personal prayer. This retreat will end at 2 pm on Sunday. Led by: Josette Zammit-Mangion IBVM

    Moved by the Spirit

      As we approach the feast of Pentecost, this retreat is an invitation to explore the transforming work of the Spirit in our personal lives and our world using Scripture, Poetry and Music.  There will be guided reflections and time for personal prayer. This retreat will end… Read More »Moved by the Spirit

      Praying with Mary Ward

        ‘I saw Him…go into my heart and little by little hide Himself…’ Praying alongside Mary Ward. Drawing on Mary Ward’s writings as well as her faith story, this retreat offers the opportunity to pray through our own particular history alongside hers. This retreat will end… Read More »Praying with Mary Ward