Understanding Our Everyday Beliefs
‘I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.’ (John 10:10)
Wednesday 12th - Saturday 15th March
The Lenten Season calls us to reflect on our relationship with God and to a deeper understanding of our faith. These days offer an opportunity for an exploration of some aspects of our beliefs in a prayerful context. They will include talks and plenty of time for discussion and questions. There will be an opportunity for daily Mass.
The Courses
If you are attending the full programme, you will have the opportunity to attend all three courses.
If you are not attending the full programme, please choose which course(s) you wish to attend when booking.
Nuala Gannon IBVM
Thursday 13th and repeated on Friday 14th March
We will explore the meaning of sacramentality as a way into deepening our understanding of the seven Sacraments of the Church. The use of images, music and song will enable us to sense and experience the presence of God as we encounter Him in everyday life.
The words of Jesus in John 10:10 will draw us into what lies at the heart of the seven Sacraments.
Nuala has a teaching background and experience of working at diocesan level in the field of Adult Formation. Recently she spent six years in the Philippines teaching in a Centre of Formation for young people from across different countries of South East Asia.
She is the author of ‘Communal Services of Reconciliation for Advent & Lent’ published in 2014.
Josette Zammit-Mangion IBVM
Thursday 13th and repeated on Saturday 15th March
Every good Friday we read the Passion according to St. John. What picture of Jesus does John portray and how does he understand his death and Resurrection? We will situate this narrative within the context of John’s gospel and explore how it differs from those in the gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke before looking at what it has to say to us today.
Josette is a member of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She works as a spiritual director and has an interest in New Testament Studies.
'I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.'
Michael Smith SJ
Friday 14th and repeated on Saturday 15th March
Soon after Jesus died, a group of his closest followers began to spread his teaching throughout the world and to carry on the work that he had begun. This group – which we call The Church – grew and spread. It carried on Jesus’ work and developed his teaching to include the many situations where the Church works today. In this course, we will look at the way in which we remain true to Jesus Christ and his work in the much more complicated world in which we live today. Guided by the Holy Spirit we will try to understand more what Jesus intended to do and try to continue his work in our world today. Bring lots of thoughts and questions to our meetings as we continue to understand the work that Jesus Christ began and that we have to carry on effectively today.
Michael is a Jesuit priest who has worked for much of his life in education. His particular interest is in the work of the Church with the poor and among those in difficulty. He now works with the Jesuit Refugee Service in London.

The Courses
Three courses will be offered. Every day two of the three courses will run, each consisting of three hours. Each course will be offered twice over the three days:
Thursday 13th March:
The Sacraments and Sacramentality
The Passion according to St John
Friday 14th March:
The Sacraments and Sacramentality
The Church and the Work of Jesus Christ
Saturday 15th March:
The Passion according to St John
The Church and the Work of Jesus Christ
We hope that this timetable makes it possible for those who are able to come only for one or two of the days to participate in the courses they wish to choose.

Wednesday 12th March
6 pm Supper (for resident participants)
6.45 pm Arrivals and tea
7.15 pm Introduction to the Weekend
Evening Prayer
Thursday 13th – Saturday 15th March
8.30 am Breakfast (for resident participants)
9.30 am Morning Prayer
10.00 am Session 1
11.00 am Tea/coffee
11.30 am Session 2
12.30 pm Lunch
2.00 pm Session 3
3.00 pm Tea/coffee
5.00 pm Mass
6 pm Supper (for resident participants)
7 pm Optional workshops, social or film
(On Saturday, the day ends with the Vigil Mass at 3.30 pm)
General Information
Suggested Donation: £105 for the three days. £36 per day if coming for one or two days only. This includes a light lunch. A non-refundable deposit of £20 is asked for when booking.
Residential Places: Please enquire about the availability of residential places if required. Suggested donation: £262.50 (this includes full board and course fee). Please make it clear on your booking form if you require accommodation. We ask for a £50 non-refundable deposit to secure your room. All accommodation is en-suite.
Priority for accommodation will be offered to those attending the whole programme, or at least two nights.
Please Note: It is important to us that nobody is excluded from our programmed events for financial reasons. Please speak to us if you would find difficulty in meeting the suggested offering. If on the other hand, you feel able to make an extra contribution towards a bursary fund, this would enable others to participate in our programme.