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School Memories

Please find below all of the archived memories of past pupils that attended the Loreto Centre back when it was a school. 

You are also welcome to use the form at the bottom of the page to add your own memories. Or you can reply to other peoples’ posts if you see someone you recognise and wish to reconnect!

249 thoughts on “School Memories”

  1. I attended Loreto College, Manchester from 1950 to 1957 . I remember visiting Loreto Llandudno on the occasion of one of our classmates making her Profession of Vows. I have heard nothing of class mates over the years but would welcome any news. one friend, Monica McWigan joined the Order of the Loreto Nuns, but I don’t know where she is now. Mother Philomena was Head at Manchester with Mother Victoreen as Deputy. Mother Anne taught Home Economics, Mother Gemma art, Mother Alacoque Needlework. Reading about the Centre has been most interesting.

    1. Josephine Rourke nee Stones

      I also was a pupil from 1950 to 1957 and rember all the nuns you have mentioned but you and I were never in the same class.!y name then was Josephine Stones

      1. How interesting to hear someone who was at Loreto at the same time that I was there. I have decided to have a trip down to Llandudno and visit the convent. I really should pop down to Manchester too. My daughter did attend the 6th form College at Manchester some35 years age. I feel a certain loyalty to my alma mater. lovely to be able to reply to you. Patricia Redshaw nee Burns

      2. Hi Josephine,

        I’ve been searching for a family member with the last name Stones. My father was born Anthony Stones. His biological father is Michael Stones (b. 1946). We’ve been trying to track him down. My nanna (whose maiden name is Carter) has given us as much detail as she can remember but we are yet to find him. We know the names of many of his family members: William, Christopher, Mary Josephine, David, Kevin, Brenda, Peter, Gerard, Catherine, Angela (all brothers and sisters). We currently live in Sydney, Australia, so it has been difficult to find information.
        I was hoping that you may be Michael’s sister, and if so, my great aunt.
        If this is the case we’d love to hear from you. If you would be able to contact me at it would be very much appreciated.


    2. Good evening sisters! F. For.

      From the late 1960 too the early mid 1970 I attended Lortto middle school Wondering would any of the Nuns that taught me in the late 1960& mid 1970 still b alive Sister Margaret & Siser Catherine @ many more ! Loretta middle School LLaunddno. Yours. Faithfully. LL

      1. Liz Grant ex pupil attended Loretta Middle School LLaunddno North Wales 1969 Too 1974 some of. Ex puplis. We’re bullies @ when ur 7 or 8 it’s nasty horrible did tell the nuns @ teacher’s stopped then started again but think it got dealt with I know who was responsible still do?

        1. Hi.
          I saw your terribly sad post. Was the bullying common at Loretto?
          I know someone who went there and bullied me as an adult.
          Thanks so much.

          1. Hello Mary it’s nice to hear that someone else experience bullying at Loretta convert School LLANDUDNO. which year did you attend Loretta convert the Nuns we’re strict do you Remembered sister sister Margaret!

        2. Hi there Liz
          I remember you at Loretto school I was there at the same time as you , I remember you as a nice girl with long dark hair and an Alice band ,I think if I remember correctly you lived by woodlands school in junction and you were class mates with Marie cox , who I still see now and then , I am sorry to hear you were bullied in school it was sad to read , I hope you have a lovely life and family now and I hope the bullying has not had any long term effect on you , my name was Lorraine king xx

          1. Hiya Lorraine I was very surprised to hear from you.. I do remember you has well of many more in more in Our class . taught at Loretta convert school LLANDUDNO àat the times we we’re taught there the Nuns we’re strict especially sister Margaret but had a dry sense of humour. Many years later sister Margaret went blind. Sister Catherine was lovely do you still see Marie Cox she was younger than me I always wonder why she was in my class. Really she should of been in the class be below It would be lovely if we could keep in contact with ex pupils. There we’re boys in are class very old school built in 1777 the school no longer a boarding school closed 1970. Continued has a school. It would be good to hear from ex pupils who attended Loretta convert school. Changed to middle school. Hopefully probably hear from someone soon. X take care

          2. Hiya Lorraine I think you have me confused with someone else I never wore jewellery at school. I hear you sometimes see Marie Marie cox. Here Her sister dorren Facebook message me after all these years. I’m trying to guess your age 63 or 64

    3. I was there in Manchester Loreto in 1955, 56, after which I entered the Order. I was a nun for ten years and left in 1966.I was then Margaret Rocca and took the name Sister Louis. I am now living in Australia, married, and have two ‘children ‘ who have Families of their own. I remember you, and entertained really good feelings towards you. Where are you now?

      1. I was at Loreto Manchester from 1957-1964. My name was Jones then. I was in Ball house when mother philomena left and Mother Victorine became headmistress. I remember Mother Christina and Sister Consuelo as well as Miss Hunter and her dog Rigg. Anyone else there during that time?

      1. Hi Cath I was there 1968 to 1975 too in Ball house. I had a great time and made some lifelong friendships. We were trying to remember who the Head Girl was in the year we left but couldn’t, she wasn’t from Ball. We went to a couple of the big reunions, great to meet people again, including Mother Vic. Which house were you in?

  2. Coming across your site I am reminded of my very dear and beloved late wife Mary(Murphy). A graduate of University College (NUI)Dublin, Mary, one of a pair of identical twins, taught French and English at Llandudno immediately after graduation for a few of the early years of the War. She always spoke of those years with great love and affection and whenever we passed in the train (as I still do) we had to sit on the seaward side of the train and catch a glimpse of the Great Orme as she spent many very happy hours walking there. She kept her students on their toes with her hockey and tennis prowess. She returned to serve on the staff of the Registrar’s Department of NUI then had a very distinguished career as one of the foremost hockey players in Europe as she played for Ireland and was a member of the only Irish Team ever to win the Triple Crown. We were married in Dublin in 1953 and had a wonderful life together until she died (2nd. Nov. 2005). We lived in Reading from 1958 where I was the Group Engineer (Bridges) for the Royal County of Berkshire until I retired in Oct. 1989. Her happy dispositon and care for neighbours has resulted in those same neighbours, or their children, being of great assistance to me. I am 87 and fit but I know that there are people keeping an eye on me “just in case”.

  3. I was at Loreto Nottingham and I remember coming to Llandudno with Mother Frances O’Kelly and MFX for the reception into the postulancy of three of our friends from sixth form. One found that it was not for her but Sr Jackie Gleeson and I are still in touch. She came to our Ruby Wedfing party, and sister Imelda Poole who, I think, is doing great work in eastern Europe. Happy days.

    1. Message to Jane Lawson: I too was at Loreto Nottingham. I left in 1966.
      It would be good to have a chat. MFX was thd headmistress, Mother Francis (O’Keefe) taught geography.

  4. Geraldine Wainwright nee Allsup

    I attended Loreto Llandudno from 1963 – 1969,I was a day pupil. I have fond and happy memories of my time in school. I remember crying the day I left Loreto go out into the adult world.

    1. Hi Geraldine my cousin Helen Williams was at this school the same time as you she was also a day pupil she lived not far from the Loretta school in Glodaeth avenue she was also known for her singing,When Helen left Loreta she went on to Lowther College. I wonder if you remember her.?

        1. Hi Geraldine
          I have only just found this site and recognise your name from my time at the school which was 1963 – 1966 I think. I’m away at the moment but have a class photo which I will check out when I get home as I’m sure you must be in it.
          My happiest school days were at Loreto seeing some old photos has brought back some lovely memories.
          I was a day girl my surname was Roberts.

          1. Hi Lynn
            This is Marion Williams ,we were best friends at school I was a day pupil & lived in Colwyn Bay . My surname then was Smith, I stayed at your house one summer at Coventry. It’s funny because I often think about you, I lost touch when you moved either to the Isle of Wight or the Isle of Man I can’t remember which one.
            I would love to know how you are doing we are all getting older now I really enjoyed my time at Loreto
            Please reply I’d love to hear from you

    2. Hello Geraldine. I do remember you and also have fond memories of my time at Loreto. I was a day girl and there was a little friction between day and borders I think. Does anyone have any photos of that time do you think? From ’65 to’ 69. I was Denise Perkins then

    3. Hi Geraldine not sure if you are the same one who phoned me in London
      The person I am looking for is my blood brother David White
      Not sure if you know him?
      I have tried to contact him on my mobile phone and land line
      To no avail

  5. Pamela Schramm Lapointe nee Rae

    I attended Loreto House, Middleton Row, Calcutta, India all my school life graduating 1959. The best years of my life. The nuns set the example of excellence and spirituality. My father painted the large oil paintings of Jesus Christ and Mary that hang high on either side of the main altar of St. Thomas Church which adjoins Loreto House.

    1. Hello, I attended Loretto House in Calcutta from 1963-1964 (then went to AIS in Delhi). I loved it.
      Went back to visit in 2000.

      1. Pamela Rae Lapointe

        Hi Barbara, I was so pleased to hear you had attended Loretto House, Calcutta. Please email me and give me some news of Loreto. I would love to hear from you. Best wishes, Pam

    2. Kath Holtom(Kathleen Perry)

      I attended Loreto Manchester from 1954 -1961 and during that time went to Loreto Llandudno for the professions of Kathleen Hewitt and Christine Kinsman from the Denton area of Manchester.
      It was a lovely experience.My memories of Loreto Manchester are of those recorded by Patriciaa Burns but with very fond memories of lay staff-Miss O’Meara,Miss Hynes and Miss Poole-women of substance and wonderful role models for girls.I also had a soft spot for Mother Columbiere[Music and Budgies!) and Mother Gertrude(Housekeeping Skills)Having spent a lifetime in teachingand with a supportive family I hope their aspirations have been passed on to many others.Three from my form became Loreto Nuns -Patricia Goodstadt whom I have met in recent years and Bernadette Boland a niece of Mother Gemma if I rememberwho always struck me as a feminist9the aunt not the niece and Pauline Siddons.So many fond memories

      1. It sounds like you were in my elder sisters class Mary Almond at Loreto Manchester as i knew and recognised the names i was 18 months younger and remember Mother Gemma Mother Philomena etc very well Mary sadly died three years ago Mother Maria Assumpta later sister Brigid was my form teacher

        1. Kath Holtom nee Perry

          So sorry Maureen to hear about Mary .I remember her very well and she had a quiet charm and great maturity and common sense but a good sense of humour . We were in the “special class ” the first to take A level General Studies and to do some A levels after one year . I remember Deirdre Devlin, Mary Griffin, Maureen Murphy and Marie Hovington and Veronica Leech and Mary Sellars better stop now !!
          My mother died when I was 15 and at Loreto and everyone was most caring. Myra Poole is a leading light in the campaign for Women Priests as. Norte Dame nun . I met her at Westminster at a low Week meeting in the time of Cardinal Hulme

    3. Barbara Brenson, nee Bedford

      I boarded at Loreto Llandudno from 1963-1968 and have very fond memories of my time there. I’m still in contact with several of my peers and we have reunions, despite being located in different parts of the country.
      I wish Sister Brigid, formerly Mother Maria Assumpta,(or ‘Ma Munch’ as we nicknamed her, being our Domestic Science teacher!) and all the team at the Centre every good wish for the running of the Centre and may it go from strength to strength.

      1. Dear Barbara
        You may well not remember me but your name rings a bell with me. I was a boarder 1966 to 1967 . I remember Daphne Spencer -Jones ( do you? ) and another girl whose name escapes me . After I left we met up once on Chester . Do you remember ?
        I was browsing through some LORETO websites and came across aLlandudnonand your name at the end of a message you left . I think it was written 2013 ! Just seen it now .! I thought I would drop you a note to say hello . It would be nice to hear from you . Just remembered the name or the other girl ::Frances Prendergast. Does that ring a bell with you ?
        I am sending you my email address

        1. I remember you too! Still in touch with Frances Kenny (Prendergast) who is about to move to Monmouth. Christine Eccles (Platt who lives near Cambridge), Mary Thakkar (Burke, Manchester) and most of all Jane Pendelbury (Ross on Wye)..

          1. I was a boarder 1966 -1969 and remember you Daphne and the other boarders listed. You were in the year above me. I had moved from Loreto St Albans. I remember the food was much better in Llandudno ! I also remember chasing the sheep off the hockey pitch before we could play. Happy memories.

            1. Julie Scott was Thornley

              Hi I left in 1969 I was a boarder my name is Julie Thornley I was in the guides and did a lot of netball and sports days not much school work ?? I remember sister Geraldine and sister Jennifer and a very strict mother superior

            1. Hi Viv.
              Can’t believe I saw your name on this site. It’s been a while!! Would love a catch up, and with Toni Ryan, Claire and Geraldine.

    4. I boarded from 1961 – 1963 at Loreto Llandudno and have great memories of that time. Long ago. I was so happy then that now being 67 with three daughters 7 grand children and a grear gran boy (3 months old) I am planning to visit next june just to have a look of my beloved college and bring back my old memories while i still have the opportunity to do so

    5. Suzanne Cheetham Pillinger

      I too will never forget the two years I spent boarding at Loreto Llandudno; my organ lessons in the chapel with Mother Winifred (Winnie), walks around the hockey field with Mother Pauline (Polly) coaxing me to speak French in preparation for my French O’level, Sunday morning breakfasts with the soda bread, sausages and marmalade (all sandwiched together). What ever happened to Aisling Mahon, Jenny Maher, Una McConnan et al?

      1. Hi Swaz, Aisling’s divides her time living between Costa Rica and the States, near Boston. It’d be lovely to hear from you. Deirdre x

        1. Julia Carrillo de Mendoza

          Helló Deidre. Now muy english is not ver y good…bul I recogniced your name, and I am ver y glad to hear of you. Do you remember the spanish girls un Loreto. Well I,m Julia. I will love to know about, Margaret Drake, Julia wright. An any other girl of those lovely dais un school, at
          Llandudno The 1965-6 year. Love.

          1. Yes, I remember the Spanish girls do you remember Maria Delgado? I keep in touch with Sylvia Cunningham she is now Sylvia O’Leary also Cecelie Farrell who is now Cecelie Callaghan. I don’t really keep in touch with anybody else. Hope you’re keeping well. x

          2. Hi Julia
            I remember all you girls we used to love eating your spanish food.
            I was the only one who liked the chilli. Still do.
            How much fun to remember the old times sitting on our beds sharing your spanish delicacies.

          3. Hi Julia!
            Didn’t you come home with me for a half term once? I cannot say I enjoyed my time at Loreto, going to University was like being let out of prison! However, I do remember a number of people who were there at the same time. I’m Julia May now and live in Somerset. I have 4 daughters, 2 grandchildren & 2 step-grandchildren. One of my daughters loves Spain and speaks fluent Spanish and all the Latin American versions of it.

    6. I remember with great affection the years I spent as a boarder at Loreto Convent in St Albans in the 1960s also the wonderful visits and news we had about the nuns and students at Loreto Abbey Road Llandudno. ( as well as other Loreto schools around the world ) I am also in my 60s now and have 3 children and 3 grand children. I also hope to visit the Llandudno centre, one day, hopefully to visit with the nuns and perhaps attend Mass. I heard that the Past Pupils of the Convent of Llandudno have a reunion each year in May with a Mass after and I was hoping to try and get there one year. Perhaps some more Past Pupils will post on here. Also when boarding finished at St Albans in the 60s some of our boarders went to Llandudno for a few terms/years I seem to remember. Hard to remember exact dates and/or names but hoping some may read these pages.

      As Kath(Kathleen Perry)said above here “so many fond memories”. Our Head Teachers,/Headmistresses were Mother Joseph Dolours and Mother Madeleine while I was a school child. I also remember a Mother Philomena, Mother Benedict, Mother Francis Xavier, Mother Veronica, Mother Labore,Mother Michael, Mother Angela, Mother Maria Assumpta, Sister Eucharia, Sister Lucy and many other nuns and teachers with great affection and thanks. (Too many wonderful role models, mentors, tutors and excellent teachers to mention and too afraid to try and spell them all correctly!) Loreto Manchester/Llandudno / St Albans …more memories please 🙂 ( – The visits of Mother General and Mother Provincial! -)

      1. I was at Loreto College, St Albans from 1962-1967. Many fond memories of the nuns and teachers as well as pupils. Mother Joseph Dolors and Mother Brigid in particular made a great impression on me.

    7. marlene bromilow nee gee.

      Are there any boarders on here that attended Loreto Llandudno between the the years 1951 to 1956 ?? would love to hear from you !!

      1. Hi just found this site so hello it’s Clair Roberts (Maybury ) I boarder during that time left 1961 sorry but I don’t recognise your name but then it was just a few years ago however I do remember the early morning walks around the lake. And Sunday breakfasts were the highlights for me warm freshly cooked soda bread with Heinz salad spread Or home made marmalade still a guilty secret which every now and again I buy. Fish suppers on Friday or tea as I think it was ?. the pianola in the common room played with gusto especially Chopin but negative was always so cold in winter as much ice inside as outside the windows but generally happy times

        1. Dear Clair, I don’t suppose you are the daughter of Matron Violet Norton & Alun Evans are you? I’m looking for my long lost Aunty Clair! (Claire Kay nee Evans – David’s daughter, Alun’s granddaughter)

        2. Dear Clair, I believe you may possibly be my long lost Aunty! Are you the Clair whose Mum was Violet Norton who you believed was your Aunty as a child, & whose Father was Alun Evans? Were you possibly adopted by the Maybury’s? I’m longing to speak to you… please get in contact: 🙂

      2. I was at Loreto Coleege from September 1954 July 1955
        I was from Basque Country (Spain ) and gone to learn English
        I remained the name of Alice Touris she Was from
        Can you remaind me ,anyway I’m happy to hear over you

        1. Hi Pilar I don’t know if you remember me we were friends in the same class at Loreto. If you do please get in touch.

    8. Julie O'Donnell. née Fitton

      I attended Loreto College Manchester 1970-1977. Mother Christina and Mother Victorine terrified us but they were wonderful years.Sister Patricia,Miss O’Leary to mention but a few.Would love to hear from anyone who also attended during those years.

      1. catherine bowles (nee Staniforth)

        I attended Loreto in Manchester from 1972 until 1979. I was in Ellis house . I would love to hear from anyone else who attended during that time. Fond memories of Mother Victorine and Mother Christina….especially when she would tap her ring on the window and frighten you to death!! Also Mrs Drumer, Mrs Moss, Mrs Price ( all art department ) Miss Fox (music) Mr O’Kelly, Mr Kelbrick, Mr Finn, Miss Kilcoyne ( PE!)……lots of memories.

        1. I was in Ellis 1968-75 – see my post a bit lower down, reply to Eileen Mercer nee Carty . I don’t recognise the name Mrs Drumer, but do remember Mrs Moss & Mrs Price, though I never did art myself. Miss Fox probably taught me at some point as I had piano lessons till I was 16 – I remember the name but can’t picture her. The name Mr Finn really rings a bell but I can’t picture him or think what he taught. Miss Kilcoyne!! oh yes, she terrified us! 😀

          1. Your name does sound very familiar Christine but I’m afraid I can’t picture you. Were we the same year (I started in 1968).

        2. I was there for the same years as you Catherine, but I was in Ball House so we wouldn’t have had much contact. My cousin Angela Gillet was protein your class?

          1. Catherine Bowles (nee Staniforth)

            Hi! I knew Angela Gillet and her friend Julie Garlick !! Seems like a lifetime ago ! I seem to know your name too Anne ..maybe we were in the same class at some point. Lovely to hear from you x

        3. Hi
          Deborah Wrack here.
          I was in Kennedy from 1969 – 1976.
          Fun memories and also terrible memories.
          Anyone want to connect?

          1. Hi I remember you.. I was in Ellis, the year below you. I met your brothers in militant haha. I also was friends .. still am with Claire Sangster !!

        4. I was at Manchester Loreto 1973 to 1980
          Carmichael House. They were going to start a new house but changed their minds so Carmichael House only consisted of our class whilst I was there.
          I remember Mother Victorine, the ring and Mother Christina well!
          I have replied in my maiden name as I would love to hear from anyone that recognises me.

      2. hi julie i was there in 1973 to 1976 , in ball house , i remember my friends jane beatty , jane sellers and catherine walsh x

      3. Jayne Meehan nee Thomas

        There is a group of us from wards house 1973-1980 getting together tonight for the first time in 37 years. Are you in contact with any of your classmates

      4. Shelagh Coutts (formerly McEwen)

        Hi Julie

        I was a little older than you but I think you may have been similar year toy younger sister Diane McEwen now Leech.

        Shelagh Coutts (McEwen)

      5. I also attended Loreto from 1970-77. I was in Ellis House. I remember Mother Victorian and Mother Christina as well as a number of teachers like Mr Finn who taught us Latin, Mr Pinedo who taught Spanish and Miss OLeary. I attended the reunion that they had in 2001/2002 but my Dad suffered a heart attack at that time and I had to go to visit him in hospital. I don’t get to visit Manchester so much now that my parents have passed away but can see that the school has been completely rebuilt. It is one of the best sixth forms. They were happy years.

    9. Josephine Rourke nee Stones

      I attended Loreto Convent from 1950 to 1957 and have now lived in Spain for the last 35yrs.I would love to hear from fellow pupils and to know what they are doing.I am in touch with Philomena Jennings,who lives in Australia

      1. Margaret Elson (nee Priest)

        I notice that Josephine mentioned Philomena Jennings who I remember well as we were in the same form at Manchester Loreto. I attended 1952 to 1957. Mother Alacoque was our form teacher, a great mentor over the five years I was there and even now when I am attempting a bit of sewing I hear her voice in my ear saying “That is not sewing Margaret, that is cobbling!!” I had a friend, Pat Burke who boarded at Llandudno until she came to Form 2 Loreto Manchester in 1952, I have lost touch with Pat over the years along with Betty Brown and Maureen Saul, ah well! I think of Loreto as a very special place, the dedication of the nuns, even Miss Hunter who ruled the Gym with a rod of iron. Happy memories!

        1. Marie Curran (nee Brown)

          I also went to Loreto but I was there from 1957 onward. Betty Brown is my older sister and she now lives in Seattle Washington State and has three daughters and quite a lot of grandchildren. I think I remember you a little bit, did you live in Stockport? I’ll email Betty and tell her about this website.

          1. Margaret Elson (Nee Priest)

            Hi Marie, I remember you very well and am so pleased to hear that Betty is about albeit miles away in America! When you e mail her could you give her my mail address it would be great to chat after all these years.

          2. Margaret Elson (nee Priest)

            Hello Marie, well I remember you as a little girl about ten years old, also your mum and grandma in a house with lots of kittens. So pleased Betty is still around albeit many miles away, it would be nice to hear from her. I was only thinking “Whatever happened to Betty Brown?” yesterday and lo and behold…now I know!

      2. Mary T Harris nee Goodfellow

        Is that the Philomena Jennings (small with dark hair and glasses) who sang “Jezabel” one day in class much to the horror of the teachers?. Mary Harris (Goodfellow) – I was at Loreto Manchester around that time.

    10. Hello,
      My Auntie is a Loreto sister, Sr Genevieve, she spent many years In Llandudno and later in alchringham , she has just celebrated her Oak Jubillee. 80yrs, does anyone remember here

      1. Was that Sister Geneviève who was a lay Sister, and who used to listen to my tales of woe in the late sixties ? …. In the serving room.??? I owe her a lot.
        Daphne Pitois (Spencer Jones)

        1. Daphne do you know Isabel Spencer Jones I was at Loreto with her in the sixties. Would love to be in contact, I also remember Louise Bamford, Julie Thornley, Josephine Anderson and her best friend Mary. My name was June Diane Chapman. Known as Diane. Now June Ball. Would love to hear from anyone from this time.

          1. Hi June
            It is Jacqui Callahan nee (Thornley) Julie is my sister she was at Lorreto Llandudno with me, I also remember Louise Bamford.
            I was in a higher class with lisa Story and Caroline Robertson does anyone remember these girls.

          2. Hello Diane, Sorry it has taken me over a year to react. Isobel, (my sister) has just retired and lives in Liskeard, Cornwall. She and Josephine (Anderson) were close friends but Josie died very young (20 perhaps), of cancer.

            1. hi Claire remember me I was in your class and as friend of yours hope you are well would love to hear from you xx

          3. remember daphne and isabel well. Their father taught us classics. always think of them when i drive past Penmachno turning

    11. Eileen Mercer nee Carty

      I attended Loreto Manchester from 1962 to 1969, after attending English Martyrs Junior School. I have many happy memories of my schooldays, and remember a visit to Loreto Llandudno with the school orchestra to join other girls from other branches of Loreto for a joint concert. Our teacher, Mr. Murphy, accompanied us on this expedition. Many of the community I remember, including Mother Jude, Mother Christina, Mother Columcille, Mother Cecilia, Mother Alocoque , Mother Mary of the Rosary, and of course Mother Victorine. Those were the days!

      1. Lucy Finch (née Hannon)

        Hello Eileen! I remember you! You were in Kennedy house. I was in Ellis house a year below you. I was a friend of Margaret Silke (RIP), who was in your class.
        I remember you very well. HAPPY DAYS!

      2. I was at Loreto Manchester from 1968-1975 and was in Ellis. After a miserable first year (no=one I knew in my class and I was (and still am!) very bad at making friends) I was very happy there. Mothers Victorine & Christina were the head & deputy head then. I remember when the nuns changed from their traditional all-encompassing habits to the more modern shorter ones: we were all agog at the site of Mother Chris’s hair & legs!!!. Teachers I remember well – Miss Swift (English), Mrs Gnash (o’level chemistry), Mrs Holleran (o’level biology), Mr Bell (‘ding-dong’ 😀 – a’level biology), Dr Owen (a’level chemistry), Mr Brown – chemistry. I never had him but one of my best friends did and was terrified of him. Maureen Green, nee Rathbone – a’level physics and a suberb teacher, only a few years older than us – I often wonder what she’s doing now., Miss O’Leary – religion, Mr Riley – maths, Fr Hughes – religion – gave us the creeps this one. Sr Oeghan (can’t remember correct spelling – we referred to her as Sr Yoghurt), Miss Debzuk (aka Miss Dipstick – again, can’t remember correct spelling), others’s I can still see but can’t remember their names. I also remember they were pulling down the Mosside back-to-backs when I started there, and putting up the Hulme estate. I remember the day some scaffolding collapsed around one of the new tower blocks nearby – one or two men were killed I think. I lived in Whalley Range and sometimes walked back along Alexander Road to the park. Near the park gates was a Caribean shop: I remember having the thrill of my life to see a REAL pineapple there – I’d never seen one before as pineapple only came in tins in those days!

        1. I was at Loreto Manchester 1983-1985. I didn’t realise Dr Owen had been there so long. He changed my life – from someone growing up in Whalley Range going through the comprehensive system and probably aiming to be a Pharmacist, and with his ‘encouragement’ through two simple questions , going onto Oxford and Medicine. I’ve tried to find him many times, writing to the college several times, but no reply/ acknowledgement. He’s probably passed now.

        2. Your post brought back so many memories.
          I was at Loereto Manchester a little later than you, 1973 to 1980.
          I remember Mother Victorine, Mother Christina, Miss Rathbone, Mrs Weaver ? (Maths), Mrs Wilkinson (English), Miss Mee (Religion) and creepy Fr Hughes.
          I also remember the scaffolding collapsing.
          My name then was Sharon Hoo. It would be great to hear from anyone that remembers me

    12. Clair Roberts (Maybury)

      I was at Llandudno 1954 1961 there is a reunion 2nd weekend in May usually the Saturday afternoon I have not been able to attend for a couple of years but they are organised by Barbara Adams I remember my years at loreto with fondness certainly it was one of the happiest times as a child however I rember the cold chipping ice off the bowls of water in the mornings to wash baths only once a week per rota. But the wonderful Sunday breakfasts warm fresh soda bread marmalade sneaking into the kitchen for a cake or biscuit mother madaline was my allocated nun firm stern but absolutely wonderful mother Mary of the rosary was head mistress mother Winifred domestic science scary very sister alphonsus us was in the rectory mother celine maths mother Anthony then took over the walks around the lake every morning also up the zig zag path to haulfree gardens on Sundays different world when they were building the new block bedrooms there was a storm and we put pots and pans under the leaks to save everything getting wet opening the new science and domestic science block princess Margaret’s wedding and parents day everyone had tea in the main hall. And we had games on the front lawn the mikado and other shows yep it was in the main fun

    13. Just came across this site – made lovely reading. I attended St. Mary’s College in Rhos-on-Sea between 1965 – 1971 (as a boarder) and lots of the pupils at our school had sisters at Loreto. We used to have school dances with Loreto which were always hilarious.. The vernal freshness of youth, together with the nervousness of adolescence, were an interesting combination!

      Not too hot on names now, but recall Geraldine Kelly, Lesley Towers (member of orchestra) and an incredibly nice girl whose christian name was ‘Rhiannon’ (sorry forget surname).

      Lots of Girls’ boarding school in the area at the time _ Penrhos College, Lowther College, Brigidine etc., but Loreto girls always stood out. Grrr, we always had to wear our uniforms at weekends whilst Loreto pupils didn’t :(:(:( Still very jealous!

      Ended up working in the South of France, but still visit Llandudno and Abbey Road on my rare UK return visits. There’s a little rusty ‘Loreto College’ sign on the derelict tennis courts which always induces slight sadness.

        1. Hi Stephen
          I think I remember you. Were you a day boy and did you have blonde(ish) hair? No, I was a boarder in Campion house and came from Liverpool. Quite a few of our pupils had sisters who were boarders at Loreto. I recognise a few of the names on this board. My best friend at St Mary’s was Albert Silliman and he had a sister, Esther, who was a boarder at Loreto in Llandudno (around 68/69?). Most recent years have been spent working on the design of the ITER Fusion Nuclear reactor in the South of France (Cadarache). I was ‘Larry’ Jones during my St Mary’s days. Didn’t know that St, Mary’s went bust until quite recently. P.S. Still recall the dances at Loreto, especially dancing to ‘Build me up Buttercup’ by the Foundations. I was good friends with Geraldine Kelly (‘Gerry’) – also a boarder at Loreto in Llandudno.

      1. Pauline Barnett nee Conway

        Hello Antonia. I was a pupil at Loreto Llandudno 1955-1958. I wonder if your sister was Pauline Ryan? Looking forward to hearing from you. Pauline Barnett nee Conway

    14. Dolores Hodgson, jennifer Jones

      Attended manchester loreto 1955 (prep)-1966.
      Anyone remember us?
      Who was our head girl.

      1. I was at Loreto Manchester 1959 to 1966. 7 good but challenging years. I do remember Dolores, Jennie, Mary, Teri and Joan. Thanks for your friendship in sixth form. Not much left of the old school now sadly

        1. Linda, are you still in touch with Anne Lynch? We lost touch years ago. My name was May (Mary) Tracey. Later married name Walton. Now Spencer.

    15. I was at Loreto Manchester from 1956 to 1963. It has just been lovely to read of Mother Philomena, Mother Columbiere ( music and budgies) Mother Gemma Mother Maria Assumpta.
      The unforgettable Miss Hunter and all the fresh air and keeping fit! Miss O’Meara Miss Swift Miss Hunt Miss Poole ( who entered a contemplative order I think) a lovely French teacher who entered the Notre Dame sisters and taught lovely hymns like ‘ Je crois en Toi Mon Dieu ‘
      Would love to hear from anyone there at the same time
      Are former pupils of Manchester reunions ever held?

      1. Diana Batchelor (Jones)

        I was at Loreto from 1957 -1963. Lovely to hear of Mother Philomena, Mother Consuelo a very young novice my favourite, Mother Columbiere, Miss Hunter and her dog!
        Would love to hear from anyone there during these years and are there ever any reunions?
        My contemporaries must be, like me, in their 70’s now!

      2. I was at Loreto Manchester from 1956 to 1963 in Ball House. I too remember all those you mentioned. I was very into netball and all sports. Miss Hunter and her dog Rigg! Mother Columbine used to terrify us in Maths and the lovely Sister Consuela. Many happy memories. The smell of Hyacinths always remind me of the chapel corridor going up to chapel. I too would love to hear from any ‘old’ girls.
        Diana Batchelor ( Jones)

      3. Celine Daulton (Clancy)

        Just came across this. I attended Loreto, Manchester from 1956 to 1959 before going on to a boarding school. Miss O’Meara and Miss Hunter (of whom I was terrified) lived together in a house on the grounds. Miss Hunter was Scottish, as, it seemed, were all female gym teachers!
        Her little dog was a cairn terrier. Mother Francis was my form mistress. The French teacher who taught me was Miss Heinz (sp?). Mother Philomena was an imposing figure as headmistress. Other nuns who I vaguely remember were Victorine, Columcille, and Columbiere. Otherwise I remember “dancing” in the gym on rainy days, and prunes for lunch…too often!

    16. samantha Dudley nee Finlan

      I had the great privilege of attending Loreto Altrincham 1977-1984 – my cousin attended Brigidines Convent (mentioned above). The lovely but fearsome Sr Patricia was our head, we also had Sr Magdalen, Sr Bernadette, Srs Anne and Jen, Sr Kathryn, Sr Eileen and the late Sr Aileen. Mother Bernard taught me St Vincents Junior where I also went. At Loreto we went on several residential retreats to Llandudno. There are several quite active facebook groups for ex Loreto

      1. I came upon your post by sheer chance; whilst searching for “Mother Bernard, teacher at St Vincent’s Junior School 1950”. (Altrincham)
        I attended St Vincent’s Junior School from 1949 to 1952, and I have very fond memories of Mother Bernard, whose kindness left an indelible mark on me. I recall the Head Teacher was Mother Margaret Mary, the English Teacher was Miss Gregory, and the another teacher at the school was Mother Mercedes.
        It was such a long time ago, and I was very young, and sadly unable to conjure up an image of Mother Bernard.
        I think of her every time I see the image and music on youtube VIVALDI «Filiae maestae Jerusalem» (II Sileant Zephyri) Kind regards Martin Wood
        see link

    17. I had the good luck to attend Loreto St.Albans from 1953-1960. I remember so many of our teachers with great affection, especially Mother Joseph Dolours (Jodo) and Mother Anthony who tried so hard to raise this idiot’s Maths mark to a GCE pass. So many superb lessons! With age I am remembering more and more incidents and little French rhymes. Thanks to Jodo I was able to sing the Marseillaise after the recent Paris massacre!Sadly, I have been indolent about keeping in touch with classmates, except Tommie Riley and – briefly in the 1970s – Christine Savignon. I’d love it if anyone from my class could get in touch with news!

      1. Well, despite her modesty, i remember Christine as being the most formidably intelligent member of our class. Sadly, I don’t have such happy memories of Loreto, St Albans, and I left, age 15, for Hatfield Tech and A-levels. Many degrees and teaching jobs later, I finally retired as a university Senior Lecturer. Still in touch with Susan Harper but would love to know what happened to Tommie and Christine and any others of our most interesting set of clever girls.

      2. Hello – I’ve only just seen this site and it was lovely to read everyone’s comments. I was at Loreto in St. Albans from 1964 – 1971 so not while you were there. I have been to the reunion on the last Saturday in June a couple of times but now live too far away to make the trip in a day. I remember Jodo – she was our head while I was in the 1st year and she left at the end of it. We all left school for the summer holidays in tears. Then Mother Madeleine took over as head and was still there when I eventually left. We used to have Mother Michael for art and there was a nun [I can’t remember her name] you never knew if she was looking at you or not as one of her eyes seemed to look over your shoulder while she was talking to you. We also had a building called St. Joseph’s which is where the Upper and Lower 6th used to have their lessons and common rooms etc. I remember watching films about the Loreto convents abroad but have no recollection at all of one in Wales. I have a friend who attended Altrincham but that would have been early 60s. Then she was called Pamela Floyd. I was Helen Ford. When I was in the 1st year we had a prefect called Pauline Harrington so she would probably have been halfway through school when you were still there.

    18. I attended Manchester from 1946-1951 , I remember all the teachers mentioned and loved their kindness. I have visited Llandudno when on holiday and had fond memories with Sister Ann (b) MOTHER Aloque. My maiden name was Heaton.

      1. Would you have known my mum by any chance Joyce Brundrett, I would love to hear from anyone that did and could tell me what she was like at school.

    19. Patricia Aggett nee owen

      I attended Loreto college from 1964 to 1967 I remember having to stay till 7PM to do our homework. Sister Margaret Mary not being able to control us she later left the order and got married. Having a lecture in assembly from mother superior about the ‘den of iniquity’ teen beat in the winter gardens oh happy days. Sadly I haven’t kept in touch with any of my classmates, except for Angela Forte now Jones.

      1. Hi Par
        This is Marion Williams nee Smith, I think you lived in Llandudno
        I lived in Colwyn Bay Yes I remember the Friday night in Winter Gardens do your remember the twins Pam & Jenny Dando I haven’t seen them for years but I have bumped into Geraldine Allsup a couple of times
        If you remember me I’d love to hear from you
        Marion Smith that was

        1. Lynn Priddle nee roberts

          Hi Marion,
          I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to find you on Facebook but with no luck. Obviously it’s always hard to find female friends if their surnames have changed.
          I would love be to hear from you and maybe even meet up when life returns to normal. I didn’t see your reply to my post on here until today , hopefully you will see this and email me so that we can catch up. My email is I very much look forward to hearing from you xx

      2. Lynn Priddle nee Roberts

        Hi Pat, Am I right in thinking your parents had a cafe or shop in west shore.?
        Lynn Priddle (Roberts)

    20. Kendal Hackney (Heath.)

      I boarded at Loreto College, Llandudno from September 1952 aged 11 to July 1959 aged 18 but only managed to attend one May reunion in 1960…. although have visited Llandudno many times since retracing my steps, taking photographs whilst reminiscing on ‘the good old days’ spent on the Main and West Shores, walks up and then annually around the Great Orme, and through the town’s shopping centre..
      Sadly over the years I have lost touch with all but one (Angela Wolfenden) of my year group due to the moving of homes, change of surnames on marriage or the passing from life.
      I too, remember many of the comments above with regards to our previous Loreto school lives,
      (My thanks to Dr Lawrence Jones for his link to this site and look forward to re-visiting it again..)

      1. Barbara Branson (nee Bedford)

        Hi Kendal,
        Thank you for your enjoyable blog. I was at Loreto Llandudno from 1963-1968 & they were great times. I’m still in contact with many of my peers.
        Have you heard about the 100 year celebration at Loreto, Llandudno on 14th Sept?
        The booking date was yesterday. But you could contact Sister Catherine Day for info.
        Best wishes. Barbara

      2. Pauline Barnett nee Conway

        Hi Kendal, I remember you looking after me on the train from Crewe to Llandudno. I was at Loreto 1955-58. I have been living here in Melbourne since 1973 and have one son called Tony. Looking forward to hearing from you.

      3. Pauline Barnett nee Conway

        Hi Kendal
        I was at Loreto Llandudno 1955-1958. You looked after me on the train from Crewe to Llandudno. do you remember?
        Looking forward to hearing from you.

        Pauline Barnett nee Conway

    21. So nice to read this page. I graduated from Loretto Abbey Toronto in 1956. On June 1st myself and three friends meet in Toronto for lunch and a tour of the Gardner Museum. We are Judy Pursell Hamel, Moira McKeown; Jenny Decarlo and Pamela Lloyd Roth. I attended St. Joseph’s Abbey Wood as a day girl. I was born in England and came to Canada after the war, in 1948. It was a big displacement but for the best. I have had more opportunities here .

    22. Sandra (David) Barkerding

      I attended Loreto College, Llandudno 1960-61. I was a day student and lived with my grandparents on Church Walks. I have such wonderful memories that I have shared with my daughter here in U.S. She visited there with me about 20 years ago and we were welcomed by the nuns. I long to come back and visit again.

    23. I attended St Ignatius Secondary school in Hulme Manchester between 1966 ans 1971 Where I had a wonderful maths teacher named Mother De Lourdes, she later changed her name to Sister Kathleen (at the time they changed their habits to the more modern one) She was a Loretta nun and lived at the Loretta convent in Moss Side Manchester She left Manchester in 1970? does anyone know what happened to her?

      1. Françoise Faulkner

        Mary Kenna, my daughter attended Loreto College in St Albans in the 1990s and the Headmistress then was a Sister Kathleen.

    24. Maureen Almond now Clarke

      Lovely to read all these memories of Loreto I remember fondly so many of the nuns who taught me and my sister Mary Almond at Manchester Some were scary like Mother Christina but all were inspirational My two daughters also went to Loreto but it was very different having more lay teachers by then .I think no matter where we girls ended up we will never forget those women who formed us Thank you all for your memories

    25. Anne Cosgrove (now Robson)

      I attended Loreto Convent in Manchester from 1947 in the Montessori until 1951. I loved Mother Dolores ( she later became Mother Superior) and Mother Veronica. My classmates were Geraldine van Went (now living in Australia), twins Monica and Phyllis Flanagan, Christine Vanstone among others. They were the happiest school days of my life. We all went up to the grammar school when we passed our 11-plus exam. Unfortunately I have no fond memories of Miss O’Meara as she made my life a misery from day one as form teacher in both Form 2 and Upper Five. Miss Hunter liked me in the summer because I was good at tennis but not in Autumn/winter because I was hopeless at gym! I attended the 150th anniversary with my sister, Patricia, and caught up with Christine, Pauline Myles, Isobel Dougherty and a few others. I remembered being in school during the centenary when Mother General visited. A huge occasion for all of us.

    26. Clare Phillips(née Finch)

      Clare Amelia Finch now PHILLIPS
      Stumbled across these pages which brought a rush of memories back from my years at Loreto, Llandudno (1965-1970)
      I recall “Ma Munch” leading the boarders off to the dorms at bedtime only to return , sometimes twice, to the hall because someone had broken the silence!She was scary!! I loved Sister Winifred as her devotion to music instilled in me a love of singing which I have to this day, singing Alto in 3 choirs. Mrs Bailey was my true heroine, a small lady with exceedingly long hair who taught French, our 1st lesson was to learn “AVOIR” and “ETRE” by heart…never looked back and French became the language I taught for over 20 years ! The soda bread, Anchor butter and marmalade are delicious memories and I always relate this memory to my B and B guests to whom I serve soda bread.Names I recall are Vivian Tate, Geraldine Kelly, Antonia Ryan, Ulla Harrison, Marilyn Brannon from Bermuda,Erica Endacott(day girl)from Rhos-on Sea. Remember the repository stall open on Sunday mornings and buying holy pictures to give to “our crushes”…yikes!?The tin biscuit box which housed our precious pocket money which was dispensed on Sunday. Swimming in the sea unknowingly amongst the “floaters” from the sewage outlet pipe…YUK!!My sister, Vicky, joined Loreto a year or so after me but with the school’s closure she moved to Presentation Convent, Matlock which she liked even less than Loreto and ran away more than once I think, she is still a renegade!Gosh, I could go on..memories.!!We have been back to Abbey Rd a couple of times to walk down memory lane, it is certainly poignant.

      1. Hi Clare Wow quite a few memories there. Mary Newman – Sheena McCulloch also in our year!

        Still in Touch with Tony Ryan – we both married men called John Smith!!

      2. I remember your sister Vicky. I was only there a couple of years, classmates included Shelly Davidson, Patricia Murphy and Annmarie Lawson whom I only met up with last week. It would be nice to touch base again with others in the class. Based Twickenham.

    27. Reading Ms. (Clare) Philps’s posting above, really does stimulate one’s memory reservoir! Erica Endacott’s brother was a day boy at St. Mary’s (Rhos-on-sea) and it’s only just dawned on me that ‘Antonia Ryan’ was known as ‘Toni’ and was a close friend of Gerry Kelly (Ms. Kelly owned a beautiful fawn/camel winter coat and spoke with a diluted Chorlton-Cum-Hardy accent). There was another person who made up a Gerry/Toni trio, but I have forgotten her name. I think she was a girlfriend of one of my St Mary’s compatriots . I recall Gerry occasionally getting in trouble with ‘Soup’ – but can’t recall any of here ‘penances’ :):):)?

      I don’t know if any former Loreto girls entered the world of broadcasting, but there’s a radio programme crying out to made about the lives of boarding school girls in North Wales (Lowther, Penrhos, Bridgidine etc). Radio 4’s ‘Archive Hour’ would be the ideal medium or perhaps BBC Radio Wales or BBC World Service would be more appropriate? Always wondered how female boarders coped with home sickness. 2 weeks was always my reference for getting over home sickness……and, of course, ‘big boys don’t cry’.

      I’ll get my emails off to Whistledown and Falling Tree productions!

      Thanks, as ever, for all these interesting postings.

      1. Mrs Kelly was Irish so don’t think she had a diluted Chorlton Cum Hardy accent!

        I went to junction school with Geraldine then we met again in 1967. Still in contact with Toni Ryan.

        1. Ha-Ha Ms. Tait, Gerry Kelly defo spoke with a diluted Chorlton-Cum-Hardy when I knew her. Coincidentally, I was clearing out my old maths and physics ‘A’ level notes the other day and I found some of the letters that she wrote to me whilst I was at St. Mary’s. Geraldine’s father was a doctor and drove a Volvo 144 (I think the car was possibly blue). She lived in Manchester and spoke about this in one of her letters. Also recall a gorgeous multi-colored scarf that she wore and lent me. I gave it back after Gerry came over to Campion House (my house) at St. Mary’s. One of our chaps (Molly Dunne – St. Mary’s boy) gave her a lift in his grey 848cc grey Austin mini van. Gerladine laughed because she was squashed in the back. She had long mousey brown (ish) hair – can’t recall if side or centre parting.

          Toni Ryan was a lovely person and she was with Geraldine on the day I ran over the Little Orme from St. Marys (to see Gerry). Both Gerry and Toni laughed at my legs (I was in shorts!!!!). I was known as ‘Larry’ Jones in those days. Gerry and Toni must have taken their ‘O’ levels in the term before Loreto closed. I am pretty sure they didn’t read for their ‘A’ levels at Loreto.

          Your name rings a bell, but I don’t recall meeting you. Can’t offer any evidence but I have a feeling that you were known as quite a vivacious person.

    28. I am thinking today about beloved mother Ann (B) mother aloquestions who was my form mistress . I have visited llandudno several times. I was at Manchester 1946/1951. I have lived in Yorkshire for 53 years. I would like to know how she is keeping. My name is patricia doyle (HEATON).

    29. I attended Loret Manchester Moss Side from 1966 to 1969 Ward House and then left England to go to Italy.
      I would be very very happy to hear someone that was in my class, Janina Dolecki, Marie Higgins, Pat Williams , Elisabeth Spencer and others whoes names I am sorry I don’t remember.I didn’t recognise it from the site until I read the last part of the history, it made me quite sad to know that all was broken down and then rebuilt. On the other hand thats what progress does.
      I really do hope to hear from someone.

    30. I attended Loreto Altringham from 1957? -60 and was in a Form 1 class with Eileen Bather, Pat Mannion, Patricia Cunningham Veronica Salter Moira Masseyand Ethna Moores to name but a few.
      I went to Australia with my family in 1960 returning to the UK in 1960 where I I attended Digby Stuart teacher training college 1963-66 and then went to Canada to teach. I currently livein New Zealand where I recently retired from teaching.
      I still have regular contact with Ethna but would love to hear from anyone who was in my year.

      1. Françoise picon- pryor

        I also went to Loreto convent, Altrincham, 1953 to 1960. Françoise picon pryor.. We must have been in the same class.

      2. I was a pupil at Loreto in Altrinchamfrom1962-69.My older sister was a friend of Pat Mannion and my brother was at school with Veronica’s brother,Paul. Veronica was head girl when I was in the first form, I remember she had long hair and looked quite glamorous to a 10 year old! I went on to teach drama for a year, then read law and went to the Bar.I have no idea where you might find them but my brother may still be in touch with Paul.I found this site purely by chance as I was trying to find an old photograph to show my daughter.Altrincham doesn’t seem to figure greatly unlike Manchester and Llandudno
        Best wishes

    31. Well here is my contribution to this site, I was Eileen Bates, My sister Barbara, started at Loreto Manchester in the grammar part when she was eleven in 1946 followed by my sisters Pat and Margaret. I went to the Montesori in 1950 and stayed right through to 1963. I remember Mother Josepha, Miss Conway (no such word as can’t the word is won’t) Miss Keogh then later Mother Victorine, M. Philomena, M. Columcille etc Miss Hunter, Miss O’Meara Sr Bernadette and Sr Cecilia the musical sisters and many more. I knew Patricia Goodstadt and her friends I was two years below them with Pamela Clarke, Maura Naughton, Janet Cretney, Christine Kidd Geraldine Keohane. Christine is married and lives in the Channel Islands, not been in touch for a while. Janet is married and lives in Surrey. Pamela, and I visited Llandudno to visit Patricia Goodstadt when she was in the novitiate and we also went round the various Loreto in Ireland, about 1962/63. Unfortunately I have lost contact with Pamela. Pauline Thornley (I think Siddons) lived in Cumbria near me but she sadly died a few years ago. Still have contact with Maureen Richardson on Facebook but Patricia Goodstadt is out of contact. She was headmistress at Altrincham when my niece was there. It is really good to read everything. As for Manchester I heard the Chapel is still there and is now a listed building.

    32. Elizabeth Shirley Griffiths

      Is there any one who attended Loretta College, Llandudno between 1964 – 1967. I can remember people in our class Angela Bamford,
      Noell Mcguiness. Eleanor? Nina ?. I was a boarder during this time and would love to hear from any one

    33. Rita Nickson Nee Spencer

      I did not attend Loreto Convent , but received religious instruction along with my mother who converted to catholicism ,from Mother Victorine in 1955 we kept in touch until she passed away in 1997. To Day is her Birthday lovely Lady xx

    34. i went to loretto in manchester in 1973 , i was in ball house would like to hear from jane beatty and jane sellers ,also catherine walsh , xx

        1. Monica gleeson(née Barrett)

          Gosh. How did that go? I was there those same years, but was in Ellis. My best friend Jacque Howell (sadly RIP) was in Ward

          1. Cathryn Hennessy nee Young

            I have only just found this site; what a shame I missed the reunion last year. I attended Loreto Manchester 1973-1980 and was In Kennedy. Fabulous years and still seems like yesterday. Remember well Mother Christina and Mother Victorine; Mr Rayneau (maths); Mr Wilson (geography); Dr Own (chemistry); Mr Pinedo (Spanish) and many more. Lovely bunch of classmates too. Never forget the whole class singing and swaying to ‘Seasons in the Sun’ whilst waiting for a teacher. Happy days!

            1. Julie Horslen nee Hall

              Hi Cathryn,
              I have just found this site. In lock down I have been going through my old photos and memories have been flooding back.
              They were fabulous year in Kennedy and do not seem like a life time ago. I now live in Bucks and after living here for 17 years I recently found out they my neighbour went to Loreto. Sue Platt was in Ball the year above me. Small world. Hope you’re well

            2. Hello – it was so lovely to see my dad being remembered – Mr Rayneau. He was an amazing dad and teacher.
              I went to Loreto Manchester 1972-1977. Ellis House.

      1. Hi bernadette,
        I was in Kennedy Loreto manchester 1970-1976. I’m trying to remember the names of the teachers and got some from here. i remember Mr Pinedo, Mr Finn,the Latin teacher, very clearly,tall, tweed suit, glasses. Mr Barrington Ancient Greek,who seemed very cool, Miss Mee religion, Mother Christina, Mother Victorine, (terrifying) Sister bernadette, who, I think, tried to teach us Latin plain chant, Mrs Bryce, who was a wonderful English teacher. In fact I think all the English teachers were amazing and I wish I could remember the names of the other English teachers I had in that period. They made it a natural thing to read poetry and I’m now a poet myself. I found this website when I was looking for the names of the English teachers in school. I now live in Ireland and found this website when I was searching the web to answer an interview questiopn for somone’s blog.”Who introduced you to poetry?” I can see all their faces but not names. Can anyone help? i’d love to hear from anyone in school at that time.

        1. Mr Goodwin ( who had a beautiful voice worthy of an actor) and Mrs Campbell taught English in the 1970s and there was also the glamorous Mrs Jeff who didn’t stay that long.

        2. Hi Annette – I was in Ward House 1969 – 76. Here are the names of some of the English teachers – Mr Goodwin, Mr Casson, Miss Jennings, Miss Cockcroft, Miss Connor who became Mrs Wilkinson.
          Miss Mee was mainly a history teacher. Yes all superb

          1. I was in Ellis year below you.. Jane Briars in Ellis. I remember all those teachers .. I loved sister Bernadette .. she showed us her hair and swore .. I often wonder what happened to her …. Have you a sister called Lizzie Rosalee?

        3. Hi Annette,
          I joined Loreto Manchester just a year or 2 after you, into Carmichael House. Mrs Wilkinson was my fabulous English teacher who introduced me to Jane Austen. Ms Weaver was my Maths teacher who gave me my love of maths. I’m still in contact with my classmate, Sharon Hoo, but would also like to know others in the same years.
          Best wishes

        4. I remember you Annette .. I think we shared some classes.. Jane briars it would be lovely to hear from you!!! I loved Mr Pinedo Mr Bell miss Connor sister Bernadette .. terrified of Mrs Sherrat haha

        5. Hi Annette,
          I was at Loreto Manchester 1969 to 1976, in Kennedy House. For English teachers add Mr Goodwin to your list. He was Head of House aswell throughout my time there. Also a fabulous biology teacher called Mrs Boyson, and Madam Rushton was a brilliant French teacher.

        6. Formerly Loreto College Manchester. In the fifties/sixties…I recall Mother Victorine (did she teach English & Religion?)and later became Headmistress after Mother Philomena . Mother Christina rings a bell too. Miss Madden taught German. Kennedy House now rings a bell. I think Ellis House adjoined Kennedy. I am now ancient but fun here…

    35. Christine Garbett ( Mayers)

      I was at Loreto Mosside in the prep school with Miss Keogh. I went on to the grammar school 1963 to 1970 in Ball House maiden name Christine Mayers still in touch with Eithne McHugh and Anne Medley and Anne McErlaine. Remember mother victorine and mother Christina ‘ a trip to Spain with mr Pinedo . Domestic science with Miss Sherratt at the top of Ward House.

      1. Christine Pyke (Nee) Donohue

        I was at Loreto Hulme 1974 to 1978 in Ward House. I can remember Sister Bernadette and Mother Victorine and Christina. Yes I too remember domestic science and my cake tin with ingredients. I can also remember the school sports kit being a form of ‘romper suit’ very ungainly and not at all attractive or flattering – but I loved my winter uniform with hat and gloves and scarf.

        1. Hi Christine,
          I too remember (with horror) our PE uniform. I was recently describing it to friends who were disbelieving! In fact, I was trawling the net for photographic evidence when I found this site. Such a pity there isn’t an archive for Loreto Manchester.

          1. My mum, Valerie Hedges, was at Loreto, Llandudno from 1939-1945. She was evacuated from London as granddad was part of the inland revenue. Does anyone have any relatives etc who were also there then? Mum died in 2015, but with VE Day tomorrow, her memories of her time in Conwy and Loreto are very fresh in my mind at the moment. Thankyou.

          2. .
            It is probably a good thing that there is no photographic evidence of our ‘romper suits’ I remember them being the source of much ridicule on the streets of Hume! I have also been having a wander down memory lane and finding it a little sad that most of Loreto Manchester, as I knew it, no longer remains – only the chapel is left. I was in Kennedy from 1974 until 1979 and then went on to the 6th form college. There was a Gabrielle in my class – is that you by any chance?

          1. Hi Selene
            Yes, I remember the PE romper suits well. It would be great to hear from anyone else that was in Carmichael House 1973 – 1980

            1. Romper suits! Hilarious! I recall long baggy grey outfits and you needed to pull up the ‘romper’ baggy elasticated bottoms.

        2. …. that romper suit…what a horror!! Almost acceptable for 1st years but by 6th form it was a truly disastrous design!! I’ve never met anyone (apart from Loreto girls!) who could believe that they actually existed, let alone that 18 year olds were expected to wear them!!

        3. Hi Christine
          I remember the PE romper suits. I was in Carmichael House 1973 – 1980 and our rompers were bright green!

      2. Hello – it was so lovely to see my dad being remembered – Mr Rayneau. He was an amazing dad and teacher.
        I went to Loreto Manchester 1972-1977. Ellis House.

      3. OMG!!!! I was talking to someone today about Peter Poselthwaite being a drama teacher at Loreto in the late sixties. That prompted me to google info about Loreto Manchester for old times sake. I didn’t expect to find anyone I knew!! I was in your class, along with Anne Medley. Anne McMahon from our class was Head girl in ’69/’70. We have so many shared memories from our childhood and adolescence at the school. I am still in touch with Josephine Smith from Ward House(our year) and Angela Quinn who was in our class. For several years I kept in touch with Pat Hickey( Ward house) and Mary Ryan from our class, though the last 15/18 years I have lost touch with them. It would be lovely if we could organise some sort of reunion of the girls who we still keep contact with from our year. I hope you might email me. Good wishes, Ann Garner.

    36. Several friends of mine from Notre Dame training college in Liverpool were from Loreto Manchester and my cousin went there. They left Loreto in 1960.
      Longer ago than that my aunts and my grandmother were at Loreto Manchester and one of my grandmothers sisters trained at Notre Same Liverpool, joined the Loreto order and taught at Loreto in Moss Side all her working life. I traced them in the census records. My grandmother married in about 1878.
      All these people came from Warrington.
      I hope that’s not too long ago to be of interest.

      1. Wow! Your memories of Loreto Moss Side followed by Notre Dame Liverpool (the prison on the hill)! I survived them all! Happy memories…

      1. Mary Maposa (nee Sutton)

        Fantastic to read the above…so many good times remembered. Please get in touch…anyone! I remember Mary Newman (Mary if you are still in South Africa, we’re neighbors! I’ve been in Zimbabwe since 1984!), Sheena McCullogh, Clare Finch, Viv Tait, Julie Thornley, AnneMarie Lawson, Mary Ainscough, Claire Rothwell, Yvonne Olverson, Angela Bamford, Liz and Caroline Robertson, Monica Patino, Amparo Casar, Piedad Marquez, Anne Archer, Nina ONeill, Clare Hamilton, Shirley Turner, Caroline Twist, noelle McGuinness, Louise and Olivia Ryder, Melanie Carr, and so many more. Walks up the Great Orme and to the West Shore. Sr Genevieve, Mother Dolorosa, Mother Alphonsus, Sr Eileen, Mother Winifred,. Visited Sr Brigid a few years ago – she’s amazing – remembers so many more! Please get in touch!

        1. Shirley griffiths nee Turner

          Hello Mary
          Gosh, it’s amazing to hear from someone from the past.
          I read your post and recognise so many names.
          My name is Shirley Turner and boarded at Loreto from 1964.
          Funny you are in Zimbabwe and I was born in Kenya.
          I would love to hear from you if you read this.
          Kind regards

          1. Hi Shirley!
            Fantastic to hear from you! I remember you well and quite often think of you!
            Would live to hear how life has gone for you!
            Love, Mary

          2. Hello Shirley
            I remember you well. You lived in Hereford?
            If you get this do reply tome by email. It would be great to catch up.

        2. I was at loreto Manchester 1966-73. My name was Bernadette Joyce, in Kennedy house. Mother victorine was scary but mother Christina just as much! Miss Cave, a wonderful English and RE teacher, mr. Holler an, Latin, mr Conway scripture, miss Cockcroft German.

          1. Mary Maposa (nee Sutton)

            Hi Mary
            What a very long time it’s been since we were at Loreto together!
            This week I just heard that Sr Brigid has died. Do you remember her?
            You say you’re still in contact with Ann Marie – do you have an email address for her or could you give her mine?
            Do let me know what you’ve been doing all these years – I would love to catch up.

    37. Diane Graham (nee Brown)

      I was a day girl at Loreto St. Albans from 1955 to 1960. Lovely memories. I’m still in touch with quite a number of my school friends, and we meet for lunch twice a year.

    38. Hello Geraldine & Vivian,
      I remember you both from our Lorte days,
      Fond memories from the old days
      Hugs Annie Young née Longworth

    39. Mary Maposa (nee Sutton)

      oh! And Eleanor Paris. Has anyone heard from Eleanor? I remember her family lived next to the Welsh Mountain Zoo in Colwyn Bay

    40. Hi mary yes still in capetown like you i have many wonderful memories of our time in llandudno do you ever visit s a open house here if you do lovely to hear from youxr
      Regards mary adams nee newman

      1. Hi Mary – wow! I have wanted to get in touch with you for years! Please contact me I would live to hear more from you. Yes, I do come to Cape Town now and then.

        1. Hi Mary lovely to hear from you and would love to see you if your in capetosn you can e mail me at kaplec at web coza

          1. I was at Loreto prep school Bowden from 1961 to 1968
            Bridget Howarth now Tussaud
            My mother Christina Kinsey was at the Moss Side senior school from 1938 to 1944
            As was her sister Parricia Kinsey 1941 to 1947

    41. This year (2019) marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the school, and there will be a final Old Girls’ reunion in September.

      Please contact me on
      for further details as they emerge

      Peter Harris, married to Joyce (nee Astin)

    42. I was a happy scholarship student at Loreto Altrincham/Bowden from 1962 to 1967, does anyone remeber me, Pat Gibson, Mary Wade?. My search however is for the Childrens Nursery in either Hulme or Moss Side 1954/55 at Loreto. My mother thinks it was moved to another site, and I just wondered where it used to be. I am facebook Carol Navin, many thanks

      1. I attended Loreto Bowdon (Altrincham) leaving in 1967. I’d love to hear from any contemporaries! Pat Kane (married name Harper)

    43. I was a 5- year old pupil for a few weeks at Loreto in the autumn of 1943. My memory of that time is hazy, but I do remember a highly polished floor of a corridor and a tall kindly nun taking me down it away from my mother on my first day. I remember first looking at the building and the lawn in front of it through railings, but have never seen a picture of those railings. However, an elderly nun I spoke to a few years ago remembered them.
      My mother and I had been evacuated after our house in Hampstead, north London, had been badly damaged in the Blitz in 1940. She was pregnant at the time so my baby brother was born at Bangor Hospital. He was duly christened David! We returned to London before the end of the War early in 1944.

    44. Hello to everyone, I am so glad to have found this page! I am looking for anyone who knew my mother during her time at Loreto. Her name then was Sandra White, and she attended from 1959 – 1966. Mum was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2017 and after a hard battle, found out she was in remission last summer. I am trying to surprise her by putting together memories of her time at Loreto, and would love to hear from anyone who knew her back then!

    45. Gosh what memories of Llandudno & Loreto! Yes I was there from 1961 to 1968. Then left & went Brigidine. We actually have a Brigidine reunion on June 1st this year. Still great friends with the Bloomfield family!
      My parents & family are all buried up on the Great Orme at St. Tudno’s so I still consider Landudno as home..

    46. Catherine Boocock nee Malloy

      I was at Loreto Llandudno from 1945 – 1950 along with my 2 sisters Eileen and Claire. We were day girls and had been evacuated from London during the blitz in 1940. My father wes a civil servant in the Ministry of Food and the whole of his unit was evacuated to N. Wales. I absolutely loved being at Loreto and certainly cried when I had to leave. The nuns were very good to us as a family and gave us lots of extras. My mother used to send in secret food for the boarders and also typed out reams of revision notes four our class. I kept in touch with Sr Eileen McConon and Sr. Mary Ross, both classmates and also with Mary Lofts who sadly died recently. I have been back several times and will be at the Centenary Reunion. Is there anyone from that period who is still in touch.
      Catherine Mallory (now Boocock)

    47. Susan Garside (Gunn)

      Hi, it’s Susan Gunn here. Reading the above names has brought back many happy memories.
      Maria Delgado, Deirdre O’Reilley, Barbara Bedford, etc. I was at Loreto Llandudno. Anyone fancy getting in touch ?? Have been looking for Sally Whatman.

    48. Hello Bernadette! Don’t know if you remember me I was in Kennedy 1967-73. I remember Miss Cave. Mr Goodwin and many others. Have lost touch with most people apart from a couple of Ellis people from Mr Rayneau’s maths class. Hope all is well with you.

      1. Hello – it was so lovely to see my dad being remembered – Mr Rayneau. He was an amazing dad and teacher.
        I went to Loreto Manchester 1972-1977. Ellis House.

      2. Hi Mary, I remember you as I was also in Kennedy, 1966-1973, pale blue romper suits! Also remember Miss Hunt Head of Kennedy and taught Biology who got together with Mr Finn (who taught Latin and we played Bingo in Latin on Friday afternoons) ! much to our amazement! And then they went onto to have a baby together! Mr Casson was our form tutor in our first year there and Miss Swift taught English and Miss Mee Medieval History to name a few. I remembered Saturday morning detentions with Mother Christina, Margaret

        1. Good to hear from you. I think we were in the same A level history group and taught by Miss Mee. I am still living in London. Hope all’s well with you

    49. I was one of the last girls to attend Loreto College Manchester as a Grammar girl. Our first five years were spent rattling around in the St Ignatius, Loyola building before eventually going across to Chichester Rd campus for sixth form, finishing in 1985. Last year, my youngest finished at Loreto College Ballarat (Australia). I remember well being reprimanded by Mother Christina (scary) but my fondest memory was of Ms Weaver (Mathematics). Sadly, I feel that in the transition from being a Grammar School to a Sixth Form College that our year level seems to have been forgotten in history but hello to all the girls who started in 1 Ball in 1978. Does anyone remember running around playing sardines in an almost empty building ?

    50. Hi Elizabeth. I remember Sarah Codling. Angela Owen. Frances Roberts. Linda Taylor. Lots more names I’m sure. I was Denise Perkins

    51. Mary Kerins nee Murray

      I attended Loreto Manchester from 1974-1979, I was in Ball House. Fond memories of Dr Rayneau, Miss McCann, Mother Christina etc. went to a class reunion many years ago with Jane Brooke’s, Catherine Carr, Frances Crumpton, Catherine Reilly, Margaret Shaw. Would love to know how everyone is.

      1. Hi Mary,

        It’s Mary Driscoll, now Maria Cooke, from St Kents and then Loreto. We were the same year, but you went into Ball house and I was in Kennedy. it is great to see you on here. How are you? Are you still in Manchester? I have been living in Switzerland for the last six years, but I am hoping to return to the UK soon.

        I would love to hear from you. I am not in contact with anyone from Loreto, my class hasn’t had any reunions as far as I know.

    52. Me and my sister (Karen & Julie Butterworth, as we were back then) went to Loreto Manchester. I started in 1975 and was in Ball House and Julie 1974 and was in Ward. I remember a lot of the teacher’s names mentioned. Loved the old building but went back when my son was in sixth form and it wasn’t the same, only the chapel was left.

      1. I was at Loreto 1973 – 1980 in Carmichael House.
        Went back to visit and, like you, found only the Chapel left.
        Such a shame I don’t have any pictures of the old buildings, especially the mosaic

    53. Hi. I was in Ward House, Manchester from 1964 to 1971. Class mates included: Elizabeth McDonough, Mary Kane, Lynda Forest, Mary Connaughton, and Eileen Flanagan. My neighbourhood friend Irene Lowndes was in Kennedy house. Favourite teachers were Mrs Moss, Miss Sherratt and Mr Holland who took us for A level history and also British Constitution. Every Thursday morning we had him for five periods alternating between each subject (two periods of each and a single history) Poor him. Loved the sixth form especially. Never thanked anyone enough for the friendship and experiences. Seems a lifetime away.

    54. Good to hear from you. I am still in touch with Maureen Medley from Ellis and also Clare McNicholas who was a couple of years younger and was a neighbour. Hope all’s well with you

    55. Hi Sheila, I was in the same class as you but left in 1969, couldn’t wait to leave but obviously regretted it later in life. Didn’t Irene start off in our class? Mary sadly died a while ago (we shared the same birthdate)

    56. Does anyone have any class photos from Ward House, Hulme 1964-69 please? Would love to see what we all looked like those many years ago.
      Thanks, Christine Simpson (

    57. I went to Loreto Manchester from 1973 to 1980, in Carmichael House.
      Mother Victorine was the Head and Mother Christina the Deputy.
      Lots of comments on here bring back memories -teachers names, romper suits, the old buildings, etc.
      It would be great to hear from anyone that remembers me!

    58. ann davidson (was ASHBY). arrived from Kenya, with other Kenya girls.

      looking for borders at Loreto St Albans 1962 to 1966.
      especially Elizabeth Roper Power(sic?)
      Anne Wearne
      and any others

    59. Trying to trace the family of my stepsister Ingrid Czyzyk who attended Loreto convent in Manchester possibly late 1940s.
      She emigrated to Australia following the break up of her parents marriage and was probably about 9 years old? My father remarried and unfortunately we had no contact at all with her although my late mother did meet her in the 80’s while in Australia. I recall that she passed away in the 1980s/90s and I’m trying to trace her family … my step-nephews. If anyone went to school with ingrid I’d be grateful if when that was ( which years) and if you recall the year she left.
      Many thanks

    60. I was in Ellis, Manchester from 1971 to 1978.
      The teacher’s names have brought back plenty of memories – some fond and others not so. But Loreto was certainly a school unlike any other. It took time after leaving, to differentiate between the lessons learned to be discarded, and those to hold close and retain. As one former pupil has mentioned here it was like release from a prison, and the preparation for Uni was not ideal. But life has been good and I am sure that there are many unappreciated benefits from the strict and frequently unfair treatment by some of the nuns and teachers. Father Hughes was a disgrace but I am sure there were lessons there too.
      Miss Connor (Mrs Wilkinson) had a big impact on me and I quoted her advice to my children: don’t get married before aged 30 as you don’t k is yourself properly until then, and go to uni. She also indirectly taught me the importance of honesty.
      Mr Pinedo was lovely, and so was Mr Davis also a Spanish teacher that a few of us had a crush on, although he was clearly gay. He was like a breath of fresh air though. Mother Cristina was so scary on the surface but beneath it she was actually quite soft and it was Mother Victorine who was the smiling assassin.
      We had a 20 year reunion but now that is has been 45 years since we left it is difficult to trace anyone. I am in touch with Jo Hilton and Diane Franklin, but if there is anyone else reading this from our era it would be good to connect.

    61. Deborah Cox, nee BROWN

      How lovely to stumble across this website!
      I was at Loreto College Manchester from 1972 to 1979 and was in Ball house.
      My memories are mostly very happy, and I liked many of the teachers. Physics was my favourite subject, and I was taught by Mrs Hall and Mrs Manson and the rather gorgeous (I thought at the time) Mr Craven. I remember the rather scary Mr Brown who taught chemistry, but later on I was taught by Dr Collard – it was thanks to her encouragement that I got into Cambridge on a second attempt. On the less positive side, I remember Mrs Sherratt, who once smacked me for forgetting my needlework – it probably wasn’t the first time that I had forgotten it, but I think that it was the last! And there was Sister Helen, who taught Domestic Science and once accused me of lying. I still remember how upset I was, because I hadn’t lied! I see that quite a few people remember Mrs Weaver, who taught Maths. She was indeed one of the nicer teachers. Another lovely teacher was Mrs Paleolog, who taught us Latin and had such enthusiasm for her subject.
      I remember the school trip to London on the train, in 1976, to celebrate the school’s 125th anniversary. Then in 1977 our cohort took our ‘O’ Levels. After the last exam, some of us went into town to see the Queen, on a visit as part of her silver Jubilee. Later on, a group of us made a day trip to Blackpool. I don’t remember anything special after ‘A’ Levels, though I think we had a leaving dinner….

    62. Maureen Kirkwood was Keane

      I went to Loreto Manchester from 1959 to 1964. Mother Philomena was headmistress and was lovely then she was replaced with Mother Victorine!!! Enough said about that. I remember Mr Murphy, Miss Hunter, Mrs Hynes many others I have forgotten. I was in Ward and wonder if anyone else was there then.

    63. Maureen Hardwick nee O'Grady

      I was at Loreto Manchester from 1951 to 1959. I remember Mother Philomena who was Head , Mother Victorine Deputy, Mothers Alacoque, Gemma, Ann, Christina, and Misses Hunter, O’Meara, McCormack. I thank Miss Philomena Hunt who gave me my love of Biology. I spent my whole working life from marriage in 1965 teaching in Liverpool.
      I remember two wonderful pageants with mime, choral speech and choir. One was tha life of Christ with Pat McErlaine and the other was the life of Mary with Elizabeth Ansbro.
      I too remember a trip to Loreto Llandudno for the Professions.
      Is the original chapel corridor and staircase up to chapel still there? We had rosary every lunchtime.

    64. Hello,
      My mother was Katharine Donnelly. I’ve posted under her name in case someone recognizes it. Mom was born in Cheadle Hulme in 1937. Her parents first sent her to Loreto Llandudno in 1940, to stay safe from the war. She later returned for boarding school. Her sisters Verney and Clare also attended. If anyone recognizes my mom’s name, or if you were at Loreto Llandudno in the early 1940s, please let me know. Thanks and happy new year!

    65. Mary Maposa (nee Sutton)

      Very sad news to hear of the death of Sr Brigid Kenny this week. She was a great headmistress, a warm human being, and she had an amazing memory for past pupils of Loreto. MSRIP.

    66. Maureen Hardwick nee O'Grady

      I was at Loreto Manchester from 1951 to 1959 and remember some of the students who have posted here including Patricia Burns, a year ahead of me. She was due to attend an Oxford college for University and we were somewhat in awe of her. I too remember Mothers Philomena, Victorine, Anne Alacoque, Columbiere. And Miss O’Meara, Miss Hunter, Miss McCormack and especially Miss Philomena Hunt who changed my destiny after I was taught Biology by her. I went to Sheffield University and spent my whole working life teaching Biology.
      I remember two wonderful pageants, the life of Christ with Patricia McErlean and the life of Mary with Elisabeth Ansbro. These were in mime, choral speech and with choir.
      Do you remember the dreaded reading of marks with the whole school present?
      Do you remember rosary in that beautiful Chapel every lunchtime. I do hope I am successful at posting this.

    67. Basically Looking back the time I attended Loretto convert school then Later the school changed to middle school. The memories I have growing up at the school.. the teachers we’re strict. I remember lots of the pupils in my class didn’t interact they had there group of friends it was beautiful school in s lovely location. The nuns we’re adorable sister Margaret sadly went blind I remember Debbie busey her friend was Lorraine King ( now huges probably related by marriage

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